
3E is Street Legal!

I am happy to announce that my 3E, electric Honda HR-V is street legal!
It is the first converted street legal electric vehicle in Lithuania. And I'm proud of it.
The process was challenging and quite work consuming but I was working with good willing people from different institutions and we together were turning problems into solutions. Big thanks to them.
One of the results is 118 pages long technical documentation of converted vehicle containing lots of photos, diagrams and tables with the emphasis on compliance to EU standards for electric vehicles. I believe this work will help other EV builders in Lithuania to make the process much simpler.

Now I'm preparing for CO2 Green Drive initiative show which will happen in Vilnius on October 23rd. My 3E will be among other participants which can be seen here http://www.vilniusco2.lt/en/cars/

I'll put more info about CO2 Green Drive and details of recent work that was done on the car to make it finally street legal EV.


  1. Congratulations! You can be very proud of your convertion! Hope this may inspire many ohters to do the same.
    I have already been inspired and are now trying the same in switzerland. Would be glad to see you on: http://mein-elektroauto.blogspot.com
    Cheers Thomas

  2. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    This car is wonderful!
    Excellent work!

    Especially your charging-system inspirated
    me to develop one based on my own ideas.
    Although i am working with electronics, i did not any programming before, but meanwhile
    i had a lot of fun and success with it!

    By the way, i am making some tests at the
    moment, trying to balance a battery-pack
    with an extra cell that is switched
    to all cells of the pack one by one.....
    (funny idea, but not yet really tested...
    I will tell You, if this really works ;-) )

    Franz (from germany , (Bavaria))

  3. Thanks!

    It was a big project, but it is over and I am driving my EV now with a big EV grin on my face :-D


  4. Cool. Congratulations.

    Have you tested your range yet?

  5. Not bad just I think why not try to install hydrogen generator which loaded, the available battery, here the link in LT who doing that for petrol automobiliams.lt/lt/Vandenilio_Generatorius not sure if that possible, but that will increased time of life battery I think

  6. Sveikinu, puikus projektas!
    Tikrai pirkciau toki auto, o baterijos talpa gali buti didesne(= daugiau km)?

  7. Nuostabu, kiek neiveikiamu kliuciu autoriui reikejo nugaleti. Labai gabus zmogus, ir turi didelia ateiti.

  8. Sveikinu iveikius biurokratus !

  9. Kiek kainavo užregistravimas jei nepaslaptis?
